At Prowess we believe that change in the world begins with leaders who have an awareness of what it means to influence through a righteous standard.
We would like to be remembered as the people who brought life and love to leaders who went on to change their companies and countries.
We believe that within every leader is a potential waiting to be unlocked.

We train leaders how to unlock potential in others through the art of mentoring and coaching.
Our Value Proposition
We are a global team of leaders from various disciplines who seek to help other leaders thrive.
Our Brand Promise
We lead by example and work with INTEGRITY and PROFESSIONALISM. We desire to influence positive business and society.
We do this with DISCERNMENT and HUMILITY.
In April 2018 Charles White, an Internationally Accredited Mentor Business Coach, called together a group of leaders from various countries and disciplines to discuss the global leadership crisis. Concerned about the low standards, high levels of corruption and blatant failure of leaders to find solutions to many of the world’s problems led to one conclusion – A righteous standard of leadership needs to be raised in the world.
We have seen this as a commission for us to bring an awareness, develop and release a standard of leadership that will bring positive change in the world.
We draw our content from a wide variety of professional sources including the experience of our own members who have worked for many years within the leadership arena.
The outcomes are aligned with the qualities and skills predicted to be essential for leaders to thrive in the next the 10 years.


Some of the clients our mentors and coaches have served.